IP Or Domain
Generate SSL Parameters
Certificate Generate Result Download
Private Key


The SSL certificates generated on this website are not issued by a CA institution and are only intended for learning and testing purposes (such as deploying HTTPS websites with Nginx).
When accessing the deployed HTTPS website, an untrusted certificate prompt will appear.
  • You can input a domain name or IP to generate the corresponding domain certificate or IP certificate. You can also generate wildcard certificates, for example, *.example.com.
  • Algorithm: Choose an encryption algorithm, supporting two certificate algorithms, RSA and ECDSA, with RSA being the most commonly used algorithm.
  • Storage type: When you download the certificate, it will be stored in PKCS12 format. You will need to input a storage password and certificate alias.
  • Download: A zip compressed file containing three files:
    • cert.pem: Certificate in PEM format.
    • private.key: Private key in PEM format.
    • generate.pfx: Certificate stored in PKCS12 format, including the private key.
    • When deploying a website with Nginx, you can use the cert.pem and private.key files. If you need other certificate formats, you can use tools like OpenSSL to convert them.