
HTML escape strings, also known as character entities, are used to represent characters that have special meaning in HTML, such as "<" and ">". This is necessary because these characters are reserved for HTML tags and cannot be used directly in the text.

The list of characters that need to be escaped in HTML includes:
  • "&": "&amp;"
  • "<": "&lt;"
  • ">": "&gt;"
  • """: "&quot;"
  • "'": "&#39;"
  • To use these symbols in an HTML document, their escape strings need to be defined. When the interpreter encounters these strings, it interprets them as the actual characters.
    Decimal Symbol Entity Name Code Description 中文描述
    9 Tab &Tab; &#9; Tab 制表符
    10 New Line &NewLine; &#10; New Line 换行
    13 Carriage Return &#13; Carriage Return 回车
    32 Space &nbsp; &#32; Space 空格
    33 ! &#33; Exclamation mark 感叹号
    34 &quot; &#34; Quotation mark 引号
    35 # &#35; Number sign 数字符号
    36 $ &#36; Dollar sign 美元符号
    37 % &#37; Percent sign 百分号
    38 & &amp; &#38; Ampersand 与号
    39 &#39; Apostrophe Apostrophe
    40 ( &#40; Opening/Left Parenthesis 左括号/左括号
    41 ) &#41; Closing/Right Parenthesis 右括号/右括号
    42 * &#42; Asterisk 星号
    43 + &#43; Plus sign 加号
    44 , &#44; Comma 逗号
    45 &#45; Hyphen 连字符
    46 . &#46; Period 时期
    47 / &#47; Slash 削减
    48 0 &#48; Digit 0 数字 0
    49 1 &#49; Digit 1 数字 1
    50 2 &#50; Digit 2 数字 2
    51 3 &#51; Digit 3 数字 3
    52 4 &#52; Digit 4 数字 4
    53 5 &#53; Digit 5 数字 5
    54 6 &#54; Digit 6 数字 6
    55 7 &#55; Digit 7 数字 7
    56 8 &#56; Digit 8 数字 8
    57 9 &#57; Digit 9 数字 9
    58 : &#58; Colon 冒号
    59 ; &#59; Semicolon 分号
    60 < &lt; &#60; Less-than 少于
    61 = &#61; Equals sign 等号
    62 > &gt; &#62; Greater than 大于
    63 ? &#63; Question mark 问号
    64 @ &#64; At sign 在标志
    65 A &#65; Uppercase A 大写字母 A
    66 B &#66; Uppercase B 大写字母 B
    67 C &#67; Uppercase C 大写字母 C
    68 D &#68; Uppercase D 大写字母 D
    69 E &#69; Uppercase E 大写字母 E
    70 F &#70; Uppercase F 大写字母 F
    71 G &#71; Uppercase G 大写字母 G
    72 H &#72; Uppercase H 大写字母 H
    73 I &#73; Uppercase I 大写字母 I
    74 J &#74; Uppercase J 大写字母 J
    75 K &#75; Uppercase K 大写字母 K
    76 L &#76; Uppercase L 大写字母 L
    77 M &#77; Uppercase M 大写字母 M
    78 N &#78; Uppercase N 大写字母 N
    79 O &#79; Uppercase O 大写字母 O
    80 P &#80; Uppercase P 大写字母 P
    81 Q &#81; Uppercase Q 大写字母 Q
    82 R &#82; Uppercase R 大写字母 R
    83 S &#83; Uppercase S 大写字母 S
    84 T &#84; Uppercase T 大写字母 T
    85 U &#85; Uppercase U 大写字母 U
    86 V &#86; Uppercase V 大写字母 V
    87 W &#87; Uppercase W 大写字母 W
    88 X &#88; Uppercase X 大写字母 X
    89 Y &#89; Uppercase Y 大写字母 Y
    90 Z &#90; Uppercase Z 大写字母 Z
    91 [ &#91; Opening/Left square bracket 左方括号/左方括号
    92 \ &#92; Backslash 反斜杠
    93 ] &#93; Closing/Right square bracket 右方括号/右方括号
    94 ^ &#94; Caret 插入符号
    95 _ &#95; Underscore 下划线
    96 ` &#96; Grave accent 重音
    97 a &#97; Lowercase a 小写字母 a
    98 b &#98; Lowercase b 小写字母 b
    99 c &#99; Lowercase c 小写字母 c
    100 d &#100; Lowercase d 小写字母 d
    101 e &#101; Lowercase e 小写字母 e
    102 f &#102; Lowercase f 小写字母 f
    103 g &#103; Lowercase g 小写字母 g
    104 h &#104; Lowercase h 小写字母 h
    105 i &#105; Lowercase i 小写字母 i
    106 j &#106; Lowercase j 小写字母 j
    107 k &#107; Lowercase k 小写字母 k
    108 l &#108; Lowercase l 小写字母 l
    109 m &#109; Lowercase m 小写字母 m
    110 n &#110; Lowercase n 小写字母 n
    111 o &#111; Lowercase o 小写字母 o
    112 p &#112; Lowercase p 小写字母 p
    113 q &#113; Lowercase q 小写字母 q
    114 r &#114; Lowercase r 小写字母 r
    115 s &#115; Lowercase s 小写字母 s
    116 t &#116; Lowercase t 小写字母 t
    117 u &#117; Lowercase u 小写字母 u
    118 v &#118; Lowercase v 小写字母 v
    119 w &#119; Lowercase w 小写字母 w
    120 x &#120; Lowercase x 小写字母 x
    121 y &#121; Lowercase y 小写字母 y
    122 z &#122; Lowercase z 小写字母 z
    123 { &#123; Opening/Left curly brace 打开/左花括号
    124 | &#124; Vertical bar 竖条
    125 } &#125; Closing/Right curly brace 右花括号/右花括号
    126 ~ &#126; Tilde 波浪号
    128 &#128; Euro sign 欧元符号
    130 &#130; Punctuation mark 标点符号
    131 ƒ &#131; Florin sign 弗罗林标志
    132 &#132; Quotation mark 引号
    133 &#133; Horizontal ellipsis 水平省略号
    134 &#134; Dagger 匕首
    135 &#135; Double dagger 双匕首
    136 ˆ &#136; Circumflex 回旋曲
    137 &#137; Per-mille 每千人
    138 Š &#138; Latin capital letter s with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 s
    139 &#139; Single left angle quotation 单左角报价
    140 Œ &#140; Uppercase ligature OE 大写字母 ligature OE
    142 Ž &#142; Latin capital letter z with caron 带有 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 z
    145 &#145; Opening single quotation mark 打开单引号
    146 &#146; Closing single quotation mark 结束单引号
    147 &#147; Opening double quotation mark 打开双引号
    148 &#148; Closing double quotation mark 结束双引号
    149 &#149; Bullet 子弹
    150 &#150; En dash 破折号
    151 &#151; Em dash 破折号
    152 ˜ &#152; Tilde 波浪号
    153 &#153; Trademark 商标
    154 š &#154; Latin small letter s with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 s
    155 &#155; Single right angle quotation 单直角报价
    156 œ &#156; Lowercase ligature OE 小写字母 ligature OE
    158 ž &#158; Latin small letter z with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 z
    159 Ÿ &#159; Latin capital letter y with diaeresis 带分音符号的拉丁文大写字母 y
    160 Non-breaking space &nbsp; &#160; Non-breaking space 不间断的空间
    161 ¡ &iexcl; &#161; Inverted exclamation mark 倒置感叹号
    162 ¢ &cent; &#162; Cent 美分
    163 £ &pound; &#163; Pound
    164 ¤ &curren; &#164; Currency 货币
    165 ¥ &yen; &#165; Yen 如果
    166 ¦ &brvbar; &#166; Broken vertical bar 断开的竖条
    167 § &sect; &#167; Section 部分
    168 ¨ &uml; &#168; Spacing diaeresis 间距分异
    169 © &copy; &#169; Copyright 版权
    170 ª &ordf; &#170; Feminine ordinal indicator 女性序数指标
    171 « &laquo; &#171; Opening/Left angle quotation mark 开/左角引号
    172 ¬ &not; &#172; Negation 否定
    173 ­Soft hyphen &shy; &#173; Soft hyphen 软连字符
    174 ® &reg; &#174; Registered trademark 注册商标
    175 ¯ &macr; &#175; Spacing macron 间距宏
    176 ° &deg; &#176; Degree 程度
    177 ± &plusmn; &#177; Plus or minus 加号或减号
    178 ² &sup2; &#178; Superscript 2 上标 2
    179 ³ &sup3; &#179; Superscript 3 上标 3
    180 ´ &acute; &#180; Spacing acute 间距锐角
    181 µ &micro; &#181; Micro
    182 &para; &#182; Paragraph 段落
    182 · &dot; &#183; Dot 段落
    184 ¸ &cedil; &#184; Spacing cedilla 间距变音
    185 ¹ &sup1; &#185; Superscript 1 上标 1
    186 º &ordm; &#186; Masculine ordinal indicator 阳性序数指标
    187 » &raquo; &#187; Closing/Right angle quotation mark 闭合/直角引号
    188 ¼ &frac14; &#188; Fraction 1/4 分数 1/4
    189 ½ &frac12; &#189; Fraction 1/2 分数 1/2
    190 ¾ &frac34; &#190; Fraction 3/4 分数 3/4
    191 ¿ &iquest; &#191; Inverted question mark 倒置问号
    192 À &Agrave; &#192; Capital a with grave accent 带有重音的大写a
    193 Á &Aacute; &#193; Capital a with acute accent 带有尖锐口音的大写a
    194 Â &Acirc; &#194; Capital a with circumflex accent 带有抑扬音符号的大写字母 a
    195 Ã &Atilde; &#195; Capital a with tilde 带波浪号的大写字母 a
    196 Ä &Auml; &#196; Capital a with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写a
    197 Å &Aring; &#197; Capital a with ring 大写 a 带环
    198 Æ &AElig; &#198; Capital ae 大写字母
    199 Ç &Ccedil; &#199; Capital c with cedilla 大写 c 带 cedilla
    200 È &Egrave; &#200; Capital e with grave accent 带有重音的大写 e
    201 É &Eacute; &#201; Capital e with acute accent 带有尖音的大写 e
    202 Ê &Ecirc; &#202; Capital e with circumflex accent 带抑扬符重音的大写 e
    203 Ë &Euml; &#203; Capital e with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写 e
    204 Ì &Igrave; &#204; Capital i with grave accent 带有重音的大写 i
    205 Í &Iacute; &#205; Capital i with accute accent 带有重音的大写 i
    206 Î &Icirc; &#206; Capital i with circumflex accent 带有抑扬音符号的大写 i
    207 Ï &Iuml; &#207; Capital i with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写 i
    208 Ð &ETH; &#208; Capital eth (Icelandic) Capital eth(冰岛语)
    209 Ñ &Ntilde; &#209; Capital n with tilde 带波浪号的大写 n
    210 Ò &Ograve; &#210; Capital o with grave accent 带有重音的大写 o
    211 Ó &Oacute; &#211; Capital o with accute accent 带有重音的大写 o
    212 Ô &Ocirc; &#212; Capital o with circumflex accent 带抑扬音符号的大写 o
    213 Õ &Otilde; &#213; Capital o with tilde 带波浪号的大写 o
    214 Ö &Ouml; &#214; Capital o with umlaut 带有变音符号的大写 o
    215 × &times; &#215; Multiplication 乘法
    216 Ø &Oslash; &#216; Capital o with slash 带斜线的大写 o
    217 Ù &Ugrave; &#217; Capital u with grave accent 带有重音的大写 u
    218 Ú &Uacute; &#218; Capital u with acute accent 带有尖锐口音的大写 u
    219 Û &Ucirc; &#219; Capital u with circumflex accent 带有抑扬音符号的大写 u
    220 Ü &Uuml; &#220; Capital u with umlaut 用变音符号大写 u
    221 Ý &Yacute; &#221; Capital y with acute accent 带有尖锐重音的大写 y
    222 Þ &THORN; &#222; Capital thorn (Icelandic) 首都刺(冰岛语)
    223 ß &szlig; &#223; Lowercase sharp s (German) 小写字母 sharp s (German)
    224 à &agrave; &#224; Lowercase a with grave accent 小写字母 a with grave accent
    225 á &aacute; &#225; Lowercase a with acute accent 小写字母 a with acute accent
    226 â &acirc; &#226; Lowercase a with circumflex accent 小写字母 a with circumflex accent
    227 ã &atilde; &#227; Lowercase a with tilde 小写字母 a with tilde
    228 ä &auml; &#228; Lowercase a with umlaut 小写字母 a with umlaut
    229 å &aring; &#229; Lowercase a with ring 小写字母 a with ring
    230 æ &aelig; &#230; Lowercase ae 小写字母 ae
    231 ç &ccedil; &#231; Lowercase c with cedilla 小写字母 c with cedilla
    232 è &egrave; &#232; Lowercase e with grave accent 小写字母 e with grave accent
    233 é &eacute; &#233; Lowercase e with acute accent 小写字母 e with acute accent
    234 ê &ecirc; &#234; Lowercase e with circumflex accent 小写字母 e with circumflex accent
    235 ë &euml; &#235; Lowercase e with umlaut 小写字母 e with umlaut
    236 ì &igrave; &#236; Lowercase i with grave accent 小写字母 i with grave accent
    237 í &iacute; &#237; Lowercase i with acute accent 小写字母 i with acute accent
    238 î &icirc; &#238; Lowercase i with circumflex accent 小写字母 i with circumflex accent
    239 ï &iuml; &#239; Lowercase i with umlaut 小写字母 i with umlaut
    240 ð &eth; &#240; Lowercase eth (Icelandic) 小写字母 eth (Icelandic)
    241 ñ &ntilde; &#241; Lowercase n with tilde 小写字母 n with tilde
    242 ò &ograve; &#242; Lowercase o with grave accent 小写字母 o with grave accent
    243 ó &oacute; &#243; Lowercase o with acute accent 小写字母 o with acute accent
    244 ô &ocirc; &#244; Lowercase o with circumflex accent 小写字母 o with circumflex accent
    245 õ &otilde; &#245; Lowercase o with tilde 小写字母 o with tilde
    246 ö &ouml; &#246; Lowercase o with umlaut 小写字母 o with umlaut
    247 ÷ &divide; &#247; Divide 划分
    248 ø &oslash; &#248; Lowercase o with slash 小写字母 o with slash
    249 ù &ugrave; &#249; Lowercase u with grave accent 小写字母 u with grave accent
    250 ú &uacute; &#250; Lowercase u with acute accent 小写字母 u with acute accent
    251 û &ucirc; &#251; Lowercase u with circumflex accent 小写字母 u with circumflex accent
    252 ü &uuml; &#252; Lowercase u with umlaut 小写字母 u with umlaut
    253 ý &yacute; &#253; Lowercase y with acute accent 小写字母 y with acute accent
    254 þ &thorn; &#254; Lowercase thorn (Icelandic) 小写字母 thorn (Icelandic)
    255 ÿ &yuml; &#255; Lowercase y with umlaut 小写字母 y with umlaut
    256 Ā &Amacr; &#256; Latin capital letter a with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 a
    257 ā &amacr; &#257; Latin small letter a with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 a
    258 Ă &Abreve; &#258; Latin capital letter a with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 a
    259 ă &abreve; &#259; Latin small letter a with breve 带有短的拉丁文小写字母 a
    260 Ą &Aogon; &#260; Latin capital letter a with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 a
    261 ą &aogon; &#261; Latin small letter a with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 a
    262 Ć &Cacute; &#262; Latin capital letter c with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 c
    263 ć &cacute; &#263; Latin small letter c with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 c
    264 Ĉ &Ccirc; &#264; Latin capital letter c with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 c
    265 ĉ &ccirc; &#265; Latin small letter c with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 c
    266 Ċ &Cdot; &#266; Latin capital letter c with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 c
    267 ċ &cdot; &#267; Latin small letter c with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文小写字母 c
    268 Č &Ccaron; &#268; Latin capital letter c with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 c
    269 č &ccaron; &#269; Latin small letter c with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 c
    270 Ď &Dcaron; &#270; Latin capital letter d with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 d
    271 ď &dcaron; &#271; Latin small letter d with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 d
    272 Đ &Dstrok; &#272; Latin capital letter d with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 d
    273 đ &dstrok; &#273; Latin small letter d with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 d
    274 Ē &Emacr; &#274; Latin capital letter e with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 e
    275 ē &emacr; &#275; Latin small letter e with macron 带长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 e
    276 Ĕ &Ebreve; &#276; Latin capital letter e with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 e
    277 ĕ &ebreve; &#277; Latin small letter e with breve 带短音符的拉丁文小写字母 e
    278 Ė &Edot; &#278; Latin capital letter e with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 e
    279 ė &edot; &#279; Latin small letter e with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文小写字母 e
    280 Ę &Eogon; &#280; Latin capital letter e with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 e
    281 ę &eogon; &#281; Latin small letter e with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 e
    282 Ě &Ecaron; &#282; Latin capital letter e with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 e
    283 ě &ecaron; &#283; Latin small letter e with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 e
    284 Ĝ &Gcirc; &#284; Latin capital letter g with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 g
    285 ĝ &gcirc; &#285; Latin small letter g with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 g
    286 Ğ &Gbreve; &#286; Latin capital letter g with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 g
    287 ğ &gbreve; &#287; Latin small letter g with breve 带短音符的拉丁文小写字母 g
    288 Ġ &Gdot; &#288; Latin capital letter g with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 g
    289 ġ &gdot; &#289; Latin small letter g with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文小写字母 g
    290 Ģ &Gcedil; &#290; Latin capital letter g with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 g
    291 ģ &gcedil; &#291; Latin small letter g with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 g
    292 Ĥ &Hcirc; &#292; Latin capital letter h with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 h
    293 ĥ &hcirc; &#293; Latin small letter h with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 h
    294 Ħ &Hstrok; &#294; Latin capital letter h with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 h
    295 ħ &hstrok; &#295; Latin small letter h with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 h
    296 Ĩ &Itilde; &#296; Latin capital letter I with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文大写字母 I
    297 ĩ &itilde; &#297; Latin small letter I with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文小写字母 I
    298 Ī &Imacr; &#298; Latin capital letter I with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 I
    299 ī &imacr; &#299; Latin small letter I with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 I
    300 Ĭ &Ibreve; &#300; Latin capital letter I with breve 带有短的拉丁文大写字母 I
    301 ĭ &ibreve; &#301; Latin small letter I with breve 带有短的拉丁文小写字母 I
    302 Į &Iogon; &#302; Latin capital letter I with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 I
    303 į &iogon; &#303; Latin small letter I with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 I
    304 İ &Idot; &#304; Latin capital letter I with dot above 上面带点的拉丁文大写字母 I
    305 ı &imath; &inodot; &#305; Latin small letter dotless I 拉丁文小写字母 dotless I
    306 IJ &IJlig; &#306; Latin capital ligature ij 拉丁文大写连字 ij
    307 ij &ijlig; &#307; Latin small ligature ij 拉丁文小连字 ij
    308 Ĵ &Jcirc; &#308; Latin capital letter j with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 j
    309 ĵ &jcirc; &#309; Latin small letter j with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 j
    310 Ķ &Kcedil; &#310; Latin capital letter k with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 k
    311 ķ &kcedil; &#311; Latin small letter k with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 k
    312 ĸ &kgreen; &#312; Latin small letter kra 拉丁文小写字母 kra
    313 Ĺ &Lacute; &#313; Latin capital letter l with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 l
    314 ĺ &lacute; &#314; Latin small letter l with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 l
    315 Ļ &Lcedil; &#315; Latin capital letter l with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 l
    316 ļ &lcedil; &#316; Latin small letter l with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 l
    317 Ľ &Lcaron; &#317; Latin capital letter l with caron 带有 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 l
    318 ľ &lcaron; &#318; Latin small letter l with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 l
    319 Ŀ &Lmidot; &#319; Latin capital letter l with middle dot 带中点的拉丁文大写字母 l
    320 ŀ &lmidot; &#320; Latin small letter l with middle dot 带中点的拉丁文小写字母 l
    321 Ł &Lstrok; &#321; Latin capital letter l with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 l
    322 ł &lstrok; &#322; Latin small letter l with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 l
    323 Ń &Nacute; &#323; Latin capital letter n with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 n
    324 ń &nacute; &#324; Latin small letter n with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 n
    325 Ņ &Ncedil; &#325; Latin capital letter n with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文大写字母 n
    326 ņ &ncedil; &#326; Latin small letter n with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 n
    327 Ň &Ncaron; &#327; Latin capital letter n with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 n
    328 ň &ncaron; &#328; Latin small letter n with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 n
    329 ʼn &napos; &#329; Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe 以Apostrophe开头的拉丁文小写字母 n
    330 Ŋ &ENG; &#330; Latin capital letter eng 拉丁文大写字母 eng
    331 ŋ &eng; &#331; Latin small letter eng 拉丁文小写字母 eng
    332 Ō &Omacr; &#332; Latin capital letter o with macron 带长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 o
    333 ō &omacr; &#333; Latin small letter o with macron 带长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 o
    334 Ŏ &Obreve; &#334; Latin capital letter o with breve 带短的拉丁文大写字母 o
    335 ŏ &obreve; &#335; Latin small letter o with breve 带短的拉丁文小写字母 o
    336 Ő &Odblac; &#336; Latin capital letter o with double acute 带有双尖角的拉丁文大写字母 o
    337 ő &odblac; &#337; Latin small letter o with double acute 带有双锐角的拉丁文小写字母 o
    338 Œ &OElig; &#338; Uppercase ligature OE 大写字母 ligature OE
    339 œ &oelig; &#339; Lowercase ligature OE 小写字母 ligature OE
    340 Ŕ &Racute; &#340; Latin capital letter r with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 r
    341 ŕ &racute; &#341; Latin small letter r with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 r
    342 Ŗ &Rcedil; &#342; Latin capital letter r with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文大写字母 r
    343 ŗ &rcedil; &#343; Latin small letter r with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 r
    344 Ř &Rcaron; &#344; Latin capital letter r with caron 带有 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 r
    345 ř &rcaron; &#345; Latin small letter r with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 r
    346 Ś &Sacute; &#346; Latin capital letter s with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 s
    347 ś &sacute; &#347; Latin small letter s with acute 带尖音符的拉丁文小写字母 s
    348 Ŝ &Scirc; &#348; Latin capital letter s with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 s
    349 ŝ &scirc; &#349; Latin small letter s with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 s
    350 Ş &Scedil; &#350; Latin capital letter s with cedilla 带有变音符号的拉丁文大写字母 s
    351 ş &scedil; &#351; Latin small letter s with cedilla 带变音符号的拉丁文小写字母 s
    352 Š &Scaron; &#352; Uppercase S with caron 大写字母 S with caron
    353 š &scaron; &#353; Lowercase S with caron 小写字母 S with caron
    354 Ţ &Tcedil; &#354; Latin capital letter t with cedilla 带有 cedilla 的拉丁文大写字母 t
    355 ţ &tcedil; &#355; Latin small letter t with cedilla 带 cedilla 的拉丁文小写字母 t
    356 Ť &Tcaron; &#356; Latin capital letter t with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文大写字母 t
    357 ť &tcaron; &#357; Latin small letter t with caron 带 caron 的拉丁文小写字母 t
    358 Ŧ &Tstrok; &#358; Latin capital letter t with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文大写字母 t
    359 ŧ &tstrok; &#359; Latin small letter t with stroke 带笔划的拉丁文小写字母 t
    360 Ũ &Utilde; &#360; Latin capital letter u with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文大写字母 u
    361 ũ &utilde; &#361; Latin small letter u with tilde 带有波浪号的拉丁文小写字母 u
    362 Ū &Umacr; &#362; Latin capital letter u with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文大写字母 u
    363 ū &umacr; &#363; Latin small letter u with macron 带有长音符号的拉丁文小写字母 u
    364 Ŭ &Ubreve; &#364; Latin capital letter u with breve 带有短的拉丁文大写字母 u
    365 ŭ &ubreve; &#365; Latin small letter u with breve 带有短的拉丁文小写字母 u
    366 Ů &Uring; &#366; Latin capital letter u with ring above 上面带环的拉丁文大写字母 u
    367 ů &uring; &#367; Latin small letter u with ring above 上面带环的拉丁文小写字母 u
    368 Ű &Udblac; &#368; Latin capital letter u with double acute 带有双尖音符的拉丁文大写字母 u
    369 ű &udblac; &#369; Latin small letter u with double acute 带有双锐角的拉丁文小写字母 u
    370 Ų &Uogon; &#370; Latin capital letter u with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文大写字母 u
    371 ų &uogon; &#371; Latin small letter u with ogonek 带有 ogonek 的拉丁文小写字母 u
    372 Ŵ &Wcirc; &#372; Latin capital letter w with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 w
    373 ŵ &wcirc; &#373; Latin small letter w with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 w
    374 Ŷ &Ycirc; &#374; Latin capital letter y with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文大写字母 y
    375 ŷ &ycirc; &#375; Latin small letter y with circumflex 带抑扬符的拉丁文小写字母 y
    376 Ÿ &Yuml; &#376; Capital Y with diaeres 大写 Y 与 diaeres
    402 ƒ &fnof; &#402; Lowercase with hook 小写字母 with hook
    710 ˆ &circ; &#710; Circumflex accent 抑扬顿挫的口音
    732 ˜ &tilde; &#732; Tilde 波浪号
    913 Α &Alpha; &#913; Alpha Α
    914 Β &Beta; &#914; Beta 贝塔
    915 Γ &Gamma; &#915; Gamma 伽玛
    916 Δ &Delta; &#916; Delta 三角洲
    917 Ε &Epsilon; &#917; Epsilon 厄普西隆
    918 Ζ &Zeta; &#918; Zeta 泽塔
    919 Η &Eta; &#919; Eta
    920 Θ &Theta; &#920; Theta 西塔
    921 Ι &Iota; &#921; Iota 约塔
    922 Κ &Kappa; &#922; Kappa 卡帕
    923 Λ &Lambda; &#923; Lambda 拉姆达
    924 Μ &Mu; &#924; Mu
    925 Ν &Nu; &#925; Nu 不是
    926 Ξ &Xi; &#926; Xi Xi
    927 Ο &Omicron; &#927; Omicron 奥米克戎
    928 Π &Pi; &#928; Pi 圆周率
    929 Ρ &Rho; &#929; Rho
    931 Σ &Sigma; &#931; Sigma 西格玛
    932 Τ &Tau; &#932; Tau 是的
    933 Υ &Upsilon; &#933; Upsilon 厄普西隆
    934 Φ &Phi; &#934; Phi
    935 Χ &Chi; &#935; Chi 花费
    936 Ψ &Psi; &#936; Psi 磅/平方英寸
    937 Ω &Omega; &#937; Omega 欧米茄
    945 α &alpha; &#945; alpha α
    946 β &beta; &#946; beta 测试版
    947 γ &gamma; &#947; gamma 伽玛
    948 δ &delta; &#948; delta 三角洲
    949 ε &epsilon; &#949; epsilon ε
    950 ζ &zeta; &#950; zeta 泽塔
    951 η &eta; &#951; eta
    952 θ &theta; &#952; theta θ
    953 ι &iota; &#953; iota 微塔
    954 κ &kappa; &#954; kappa 卡帕
    955 λ &lambda; &#955; lambda 拉姆达
    956 μ &mu; &#956; mu
    957 ν &nu; &#957; nu 不是
    958 ξ &xi; &#958; xi xi
    959 ο &omicron; &#959; omicron 奥米克戎
    960 π &pi; &#960; pi 圆周率
    961 ρ &rho; &#961; rho rho
    962 ς &sigmaf; &#962; sigmaf 西格玛夫
    963 σ &sigma; &#963; sigma 西格玛
    964 τ &tau; &#964; tau 是的
    965 υ &upsilon; &#965; upsilon 上司隆
    966 φ &phi; &#966; phi φ
    967 χ &chi; &#967; chi 花费
    968 ψ &psi; &#968; psi 磅/平方英寸
    969 ω &omega; &#969; omega 欧米茄
    977 ϑ &thetasym; &#977; Theta symbol θ符号
    978 ϒ &upsih; &#978; Upsilon symbol 厄普西隆符号
    982 ϖ &piv; &#982; Pi symbol 圆周率符号
    8194 En space &ensp; &#8194; En space 在太空
    8195 Em space &emsp; &#8195; Em space 空间
    8201 Thin space &thinsp; &#8201; Thin space 狭小的空间
    8204 Zero width non-joiner &zwnj; &#8204; Zero width non-joiner 零宽度非连接器
    8205 Zero width joiner &zwj; &#8205; Zero width joiner 零宽度连接器
    8206 Left-to-right mark &lrm; &#8206; Left-to-right mark 从左到右的标记
    8207 Right-to-left mark &rlm; &#8207; Right-to-left mark 从右到左的标记
    8211 &ndash; &#8211; En dash 破折号
    8212 &mdash; &#8212; Em dash 破折号
    8216 &lsquo; &#8216; Left single quotation mark 左单引号
    8217 &rsquo; &#8217; Right single quotation mark 右单引号
    8218 &sbquo; &#8218; Single low-9 quotation mark 单低 9 引号
    8220 &ldquo; &#8220; Left double quotation mark 左双引号
    8221 &rdquo; &#8221; Right double quotation mark 右双引号
    8222 &bdquo; &#8222; Double low-9 quotation mark 双低 9 引号
    8224 &dagger; &#8224; Dagger 匕首
    8225 &Dagger; &#8225; Double dagger 双匕首
    8226 &bull; &#8226; Bullet 子弹
    8230 &hellip; &#8230; Horizontal ellipsis 水平省略号
    8240 &permil; &#8240; Per mille 为了一千
    8242 &prime; &#8242; Minutes (Degrees) 分钟(度)
    8243 &Prime; &#8243; Seconds (Degrees) 秒(度)
    8249 &lsaquo; &#8249; Single left angle quotation 单左角报价
    8250 &rsaquo; &#8250; Single right angle quotation 单直角报价
    8254 &oline; &#8254; Overline 上划线
    8364 &euro; &#8364; Euro 欧元
    8482 &trade; &#8482; Trademark 商标
    8592 &larr; &#8592; Left arrow 左箭头
    8593 &uarr; &#8593; Up arrow 向上箭头
    8594 &rarr; &#8594; Right arrow 右箭头
    8595 &darr; &#8595; Down arrow 向下箭头
    8596 &harr; &#8596; Left right arrow 左右箭头
    8629 &crarr; &#8629; Carriage return arrow 回车箭头
    8704 &forall; &#8704; For all 对所有人
    8706 &part; &#8706; Part 部分
    8707 &exist; &#8707; Exist 存在
    8709 &empty; &#8709; Empty 空的
    8711 &nabla; &#8711; Nabla 纳布拉
    8712 &isin; &#8712; Is in
    8713 &notin; &#8713; Not in 不在
    8715 &ni; &#8715; Ni
    8719 &prod; &#8719; Product 产品
    8721 &sum; &#8721; Sum
    8722 &minus; &#8722; Minus
    8727 &lowast; &#8727; Asterisk (Lowast) 星号(最低)
    8730 &radic; &#8730; Square root 平方根
    8733 &prop; &#8733; Proportional to 成正比
    8734 &infin; &#8734; Infinity 无穷
    8736 &ang; &#8736; Angle 角度
    8743 &and; &#8743; And
    8744 &or; &#8744; Or 或者
    8745 &cap; &#8745; Cap
    8746 &cup; &#8746; Cup 杯子
    8747 &int; &#8747; Integral 不可缺少的
    8756 &there4; &#8756; Therefore 所以
    8764 &sim; &#8764; Similar to 如同
    8773 &cong; &#8773; Congurent to 符合
    8776 &asymp; &#8776; Almost equal 几乎相等
    8800 &ne; &#8800; Not equal 不相等
    8801 &equiv; &#8801; Equivalent 相等的
    8804 &le; &#8804; Less or equal 小于或等于
    8805 &ge; &#8805; Greater or equal 大于或等于
    8834 &sub; &#8834; Subset of 的子集
    8835 &sup; &#8835; Superset of 的超集
    8836 &nsub; &#8836; Not subset of 不是子集
    8838 &sube; &#8838; Subset or equal 子集或等于
    8839 &supe; &#8839; Superset or equal 超集或相等
    8853 &oplus; &#8853; Circled plus 带圆圈的加号
    8855 &otimes; &#8855; Circled times 圈出时间
    8869 &perp; &#8869; Perpendicular 垂直
    8901 &sdot; &#8901; Dot operator 点运算符
    8968 &lceil; &#8968; Left ceiling 左天花板
    8969 &rceil; &#8969; Right ceiling 右天花板
    8970 &lfloor; &#8970; Left floor 左楼
    8971 &rfloor; &#8971; Right floor 右楼层
    9674 &loz; &#9674; Lozenge 菱形
    9824 &spades; &#9824; Spade
    9827 &clubs; &#9827; Club 俱乐部
    9829 &hearts; &#9829; Heart
    9830 &diams; &#9830; Diamond 钻石


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