Domain DNS Checker Domain Check Description A record is the most commonly used type, directing a domain name to an IPv4 address, such as CNAME directs a domain name to another domain name address, maintaining the same resolution. MX is used for mail servers, with relevant parameters typically provided by the mail registrar. TXT allows for additional text information to be filled in, commonly used for domain verification. AAAA directs a domain name to an IPv6 address, such as 2404:6800:4012:3::200e. NS is a domain name server record that can delegate a specified domain to other DNS service providers for resolution management. CAA is used to specify the Certificate Authority (CA) for a domain, reducing certificate issuance risks. SRV identifies a server using a specific service, commonly found in Microsoft systems for directory management. The format is "service name.protocol type," such as _sip._tcp. HTTPS is an HTTPS service binding record that helps enhance HTTPS security and performance. SVCB is a new type of service binding record that allows services to point to multiple clients and associate with custom parameter values. SPF specifies the mail servers for sending emails and is an efficient anti-spam solution. 0 Comments 0 / 300 Submit The current system only supports comments from logged-in users, go to Login