
Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
China Beijing UTC+8 (east 8) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
China Hong Kong UTC+8 (east 8) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Japan Tokyo UTC+9 (east 9) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
South Korea Seoul UTC+9 (east 9) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City UTC+7 (east 7) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Thailand Bangkok UTC+7 (east 7) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur UTC+8 (east 8) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Singapore Singapore City UTC+8 (east 8) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
India New Delhi UTC+5:30 (east 5) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
United Arab Emirates Dubai UTC+4 (east 4) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Saudi Arabia Riyadh UTC+3 (east 3) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00

America (North America)

Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
Canada Ottawa UTC-5 (west 5) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Canada Toronto UTC-5 (west 5) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Canada Vancouver UTC-8 (west 8) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Eastern Standard Time (EST) New York, Washington, etc. UTC-5 (west 5) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Central Standard Time (CST) Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, Houston, etc. UTC-6 (west 6) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Mountain Standard Time (MST) Salt Lake City, Denver, etc. UTC-7 (west 7) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Pacific Standard Time (PST) San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, etc. UTC-8 (west 8) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Alaska Standard Time (AKST) Alaska UTC-9 (west 9) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Hawaii Standard Time (HST) Hawaii,Aleutian Islands UTC-10 (west 10) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Mexico Mexico City UTC-6 (west 6) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00

America (South America)

Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
Brazil Brasilia UTC-3 (west 3) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Argentina Buenos Aires UTC-3 (west 3) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00

Europe (Eastern Europe)

Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
Hungary Budapest UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Czechia Prague UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Ukraine Kyiv UTC+2 (east 2) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Russia Moscow UTC+3 (east 3) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00

Europe (Southern Europe)

Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
Portugal Lisbon UTC (zero time zone) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Spain Madrid UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Italy Rome UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Greece Athens UTC+2 (east 2) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00

Europe (Western Europe)

Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
United Kingdom London UTC (zero time zone) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Ireland Dublin UTC (zero time zone) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
France Paris UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Belgium Brussels UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Netherlands Amsterdam UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00

Europe (Northern Europe)

Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
Finland Helsinki UTC+2 (east 2) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Sweden Stockholm UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Denmark Copenhagen UTC+1 (east 1) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00


Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
Morocco Casablanca UTC (zero time zone) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
Egypt Cairo UTC+2 (east 2) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00
South Africa Johannesburg UTC+2 (east 2) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00


Country or Region City Time Zone DST Diff (Hours) Current Time
Australia Sydney UTC+10 (east 10) 【0000-00-00】00:00:00


GMT: Greenwich Mean Time, the noon of GMT refers to the time when the sun crosses the Greenwich meridian.

UTC: Coordinated Universal Time, the current standard time is Coordinated Universal Time, which is based on the time standard of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London, England, and is divided into 12 time zones to the east and west. The longitude difference is 15°, and the time difference is one hour, 24*15 = 360.

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) can be considered the same in many cases, but they have slight differences. GMT is the time standard set at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London, England. UTC is a time standard based on atomic clocks, aiming to measure time more accurately. Due to minor changes in the Earth's rotation speed, GMT may slightly deviate from the time determined by atomic clocks, so UTC maintains synchronization with GMT by inserting leap seconds. Therefore, UTC is a more precise time standard than GMT. In daily life, UTC and GMT are often interchangeable, as the difference between them is negligible for most people.

Daylight Saving Time (DST): Many high-latitude and mid-latitude countries implement Daylight Saving Time to fully utilize the summer sunlight and save on lighting electricity, without changing their daily routines. This means that the clock is moved forward by one hour in the spring, and then moved back by one hour in the fall. The dates for implementing Daylight Saving Time are generally: April-September (Northern Hemisphere), October-March (Southern Hemisphere).
Time Difference (Hours): The difference between the time of the target city and the current computer time zone.
The Daylight Saving Time data may have some inaccuracies, and the current time data is for reference only.

China Time Zone:between east 5 and east 9

America Time Zone: between west 5 and west 8

The World Time Zone:


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