JSON Formatter Select Example Local File Format Validate Repair Compress Key Sort Ascending Descending Escape Escape Unescape Copy Download Full Screen Collapse All Clear Array Length: 0 百思派电影网 - 全网VIP点映免费观看 Description In the editor, pressCtrl+Fto Find; pressAlt+Fto Find(the window does not close automatically, press Enter to find the next one, and press Shift+Enter to find the previous one). When the cursor is in the editor, press F11 to switch to full-screen editing mode. Press Esc to exit full-screen editing mode. List of characters that need to be escaped in JSON: Backspace is replaced with \b Form feed is replaced with \f Newline is replaced with \n Carriage return is replaced with \r Tab is replaced with \t Double quote is replaced with \" Backslash is replaced with \\ 0 Comments 0 / 300 Submit The current system only supports comments from logged-in users, go to Login